How to work during the on-line course


Tasks to take while educate on ML and MP

  1. General information on Marine Litter (ML) i microplastic (MP); sources; types, chemicals. Impact ML and MP on the environment, biodiversity, food chain
  2. ML management, regulations, national and international policies
  3. Possibilities of MP removal from sewage and waters
  4. Health impact of plastics
  5. Substitute materials to plastics in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals
  6. Ways to stop ML and MP in seas and oceans, actions, consumption patterns
  7. Waste source separation


Components of e-learning training

  • 1 minute video by the lecturer – simply to introduce themselves.
  • 10 page written lecture to read
  • Additional materials chosen by the lecturer
  • Condensed information around the topic in a form of video, cartoon, film, infographic, ppt
  • Self – control test
  • Homework- as practical as possible


Participants work on modules in any order: it is their choice which of the modules they start with as well as finish with.

After finishing the last block participants should report, mainly on their personal, practical actions – till 15.11.2017

Last modified: Tuesday, 3 October 2017, 11:43 PM