How to work during the on-line course
Tasks to take while educate on ML and MP
- General information on Marine Litter (ML) i microplastic (MP); sources; types, chemicals. Impact ML and MP on the environment, biodiversity, food chain
- ML management, regulations, national and international policies
- Possibilities of MP removal from sewage and waters
- Health impact of plastics
- Substitute materials to plastics in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals
- Ways to stop ML and MP in seas and oceans, actions, consumption patterns
- Waste source separation
Components of e-learning training
- 1 minute video by the lecturer – simply to introduce themselves.
- 10 page written lecture to read
- Additional materials chosen by the lecturer
- Condensed information around the topic in a form of video, cartoon, film, infographic, ppt
- Self – control test
- Homework- as practical as possible
Participants work on modules in any order: it is their choice which of the modules they start with as well as finish with.
After finishing the last block participants should report, mainly on their personal, practical actions – till 15.11.2017
Last modified: Tuesday, 3 October 2017, 11:43 PM